Roll Call
2005-07-22 + 7:27 p.m. The current mood of whiskeredleg at

I called in sick to work today and actually expected wonderful things to happen. I think I actually become more pathetic by the minute, I do.
Roll call for today.
Pop-Tarts eaten: 3. One cherry and two frosted blueberry.
Apartments cleaned:0
Luckies smoked:8
Chunks of cat vomit scraped from the carpet: Uncountable.
Piece of laundry done:1 actually. I spilled butter on my lounge about shirt and threw it in the bathtub to soak.
Dishes washed:0
Alcohol units consumed:0, so far. We'll see how the evening progresses.
Bathing experiences:0 The hot water is broken again.
ARG! I used to be useful! Then I got old and fat and decided that rummaging on Ebay is enough of a way to spend a life. Jesus Christ! I used to fly kites. And play Frisbee. What the fuck.

getting ready for the date

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"All things considered, fat people just use more soap." The WeatherPixie