Hotdogs, Netflix, Rivers and Shagging!
2005-08-03 + 10:31 p.m. The current mood of whiskeredleg at

Wow. I feel pretty damn good folks.
I just squelched down on the couch and watched Family Guy and noshed on hot dogs and cookies and milk, and in a second I am going to sprawl out and re-read Hearts in Atlantis. I have two more movies coming in the mail tomorrow (I love Netflix. I should get a free month for the shameless promo), meaning I'll be more than set for the next couple of days. I'm going to see if I can swap off to be home the day after Will (boyfriend extrodinare) comes home from his summer-long internship. Wells is usually pretty charitable about such things. It's been two months and I have seen him twice. Twice. But that all ends Wednesday and soon, the Willygoat will be home (I really hope he reads this ans freaks about the Willygoat thing. God, that would make this day complete.).
So I went and had lunch with my mom and she bought me a new pair of jeans and this really sweet jacket with the most excellent fur trim. I love clothes shopping, love it, but I fluctuate weight so much that one pair of jeans fits one day, then are too big the next. So I rationalize my clothing obsession by thinking how I really must look well tailored at all times, it's only fair, right?
I went out last night with buddy Aaron and tippled a little too much of the sipper but had a most excellent time at it. We sat there amidst blaring Beatles and Aerosmith and shouted at each other. I find that nothing can soothe the soul like an evening with a good friend. And I don't know a single person that would disagree with me there.
Other than that, no real news here. Dakota The Wonder Cat is well and doing fine. He's going to board with my fabulous vet when I go to the Guadalupe in...omigosh...a week and 5 days. Now, much as I love staying in fine hotels and lounging by temperature controlled pools (that's a hint, Willygoat), my number one all time fave vacay has to be a long float down the Guadalupe River. It's like a floating party, but with dangerous rapids and poisonous snakes. You go on barely knowing someone and leave best friends, partly because when you dropped the cranberry juice bottle full of vodka they raced over the steep side of the waterfall and rescued it, only asking for half in return. And then things kinda went blurry but you woke up in the tent so you're A-OK, friends. We think that our friends Linz and Ben (who are Will's roommate and fabulous girlfriend) will be coming, we hope anyway, but even if they don't the entire thing will still not be on the chain. We can turn it into a three day shagfest. Not that it won't be, but louder. Purrrr...shag.

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"All things considered, fat people just use more soap." The WeatherPixie