2005-07-17 + 11:09 p.m. The current mood of whiskeredleg at www.imood.com


Damnit! I'm injured damnit! I went to this club in Dallas last night (more on this later) and wore these ridiculous heels because for some reason I bought this terrible dress and thought that teetering around on heels that were developed by the US Military to kill hobos would somehow make the outfit. I'm walking like those old ladies you'll see sometimes in thrift shops, the ones that you kinda have to think, wow, what makes them walk like that? Like those birds that bob their head when they walk. Why?
So anyhow, we were supposed to go disco dancing but the club that we had planned on going was closed, so we went to this other one that was suggested to us by someone somebody called.
It took me an amazingly long time to figure out I was in a gay bar. I mean, I love gay people, know many but it's odd to suddenly be in the minority. I think it was the guys in cages that tipped me off.
Well, one bar or another, what are you going to do? Drink gin's what I say. So that went pretty much as usual, and when we got back to the hotel, we suddenly realized that the sleeping situation would have to be altered considering there were 9 of us and two beds. SO of course, Kim's bed became a pile of cushions on the floor. I worked at it for a while, and after initially building it into a little fort I managed to convert it into a nest of sorts and hunkered down, then, of course, someone knocked over the damn cooler on me and I was regulated to the patch of floor that was not covered by beer bottles. The one good thing about waking up in a pile of cigarette butts on a hotel floor the day can only go up from there. We went to the hotel breakfast and had, now get this, Texas shaped waffles. Texas is the only state that emblazons it's shape on everything. I had Texas ice cube trays once. You haven't had a ginger ale until you've had one with little rapidly melting Texases in it. Now that's spirit!

getting ready for the date

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Read the old me at gemini52381.diaryland.com thanks
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"All things considered, fat people just use more soap." The WeatherPixie