2005-08-06 + 4:23 p.m. The current mood of whiskeredleg at

Gawsh. There are some that say sleeping till three is a waste of time, I beg to differ.
Please! Please! Allow me to differ.
I am in a fairly golightly mood today. It is Fabulous Linz'z cousin B'dara's 21st birthday today and you know, any excuse to celebrate :). Saturday is usually my Allie and Keith day but they saw fit to go and visit the Adored And Revered Baby Paxton in Shreveport, their nephew who Allie keeps promising to send me pictures off, who I have yet to recieve one picture of. Anyway, I am hoping for a ride to B'dara's because she lives in the middle of frigging nowhere, but I do not think that is going to be a problem as I am holding Linz'z Kahlua hostage in my pantry and she has to come and get it sometime and when she does, I'll be there to guilt her into giving me a ride. Other than that, not to much to report today. I am doing my laundry and dishes today, I have a load of each cheerfully washing away. What triggers this burst of domesticity? The WillGoat will be home on Wednesday at the latest and how better to display my prowess at household management then to have clean sheets and the Mound O'Dishes erraticated? I am very wise. *places finger to side of nose.
Well, it may be time to go and take a shower, guilting Linz into a ride will be a lot more difficult if when she gets here I am sitting there in a pair of boxer shorts with unshaved legs. I have a fabulous new 50's skirt which requires wearing tonight. God bless thrift stores, God bless them.

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"All things considered, fat people just use more soap." The WeatherPixie